His way, as it happened, was the removal of a troublesome clause embedded in the constitution, thus clearing a path for him to continue his tenure as a ruler, for, apparently, no material gain whatsoever! For aught you know it, the auction clearly made public for all to see, that greater love hath no president than this: to sacrifice himself for the wretched poor of the Republic of Uganda.ģ. And a good shilling it was! The auctioneer’s gavel fell swiftly and the president got his way. The bidding process was exceedingly vigorous with astonishing sums of money bandied about, and, at last, the president through an intermediary stepped in and offered his shilling. The auctioneer, who incidentally was none other than the Speaker of Parliament, acted with due diligence which is commensurate with that august office, pinched and prodded them with every parliamentary procedure known in law to test their commitment and sincerity, and thus the auction was begun. Clean hands and a counterfeit democracy cannot mixĢ.Why don’t you cast in your lot with us?.

The subject of your letter, “Desperate times require desperate measures we need to talk,” is very apt for the letter appears to justify your President’s action in signing into law a controversial Constitution Amendment Bill No.